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cadi ayyad university造句

  • Marrakesh has several universities and schools, including Cadi Ayyad University.
  • Cadi Ayyad University, also known as the University of Marrakech, was named after him.
  • ENSA Safi is an academic institution within the Cadi Ayyad University and under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  • "' Cadi Ayyad University "'( ) ( also known as the University of Marrakesh ), is a university in Marrakesh, one of the major universities of Morocco.
  • The Jura Astronomy Society, in collaboration with French amateur astronomer Claudine Rinner and the Cadi Ayyad University, also participates in the " Morocco Ouka飉eden Sky Survey " ( MOSS ), using a remote 0.5-meter telescope at " Ouka飉eden Observatory " ( ), which is operated by the university since 2007.
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